Discovered the Oh Hello Flo Period Box by Tweenoogy yet?
Wait! Before you scroll on thinking this isn’t for you because your child isn’t there yet, take a moment to think... Do you know someone for whom this could be a game changer?
This isn't just a product; it's a gift. It's a game changer. It's a conversation starter. It’s a tool designed to guide, support, build bonds, it's a life skill, a bunch of them to be completely honest..... it's a safe space to help parents and their daughters have the right age-appropriate conversations, about all the most important things, at the right time.
The Oh Hello Flo Period Box was meticulously curated by parents, for parents, and the feedback has been nothing close to incredible! Below just some of the feedback we have received:
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My daughter was absolutely thrilled with her gift box. Everything in there is great. It is all natural products which makes it even more special. Thank you” - Natalie R
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Ek kan die Oh Hello Flo Period Box nie genoeg aanbeveel nie! Die aandag aan detail is ongelooflik. My dogter het so spesiaal gevoel toe sy dit oopmaak, en dit het 'n belangrike gesprek aangewakker wat ek onseker was hoe om te benader. Die inhoud het dit 'n waardevolle ervaring vir ons albei gemaak. Hierdie boks is regtig 'n die beste ding wat ons kon koop!” Mercia P
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "The Oh Hello Flo Period Box is a lifesaver! As a mom, I was nervous about how to start the conversation about periods with my daughter. This booklet made it so easy and natural. It’s age-appropriate and have beautiful quotes, Q&A’s, diagrams explaining the changes, cycles and so much more. The booklet is incredibly informative. It’s a beautiful, thoughtful gift that every parent should consider. Thank you, Tweenoogy!" Sarah H
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "As a single dad, I was clueless about how to talk to my daughter about her period. The period box was a Godsend. It provided me with all the tools and information I needed to have an open and supportive conversation with her. She felt comfortable and even excited about this new phase of her life. Thank you for creating such an amazing product!" Daniel P
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "The Oh Hello Flo Period Box exceeded my expectations! It’s not just a box of products; it’s a thoughtful, well-crafted experience that made my daughter’s transition into womanhood feel special and celebrated. Every parent of a tween girl needs to have one ready… because it happens quicker than you think!" Sharon F
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Ek en my dogter hou albei van die Oh Hello Flo Period Box! Die boekie is so omvattend en maklik om te verstaan. Sy kon op haar die deur dit werk, en dan kon ons saam ook deur dit lees. Die hele boks is pragtig ontwerp en het my dogter so spesiaal en voorbereid vir haar eerste menstruasie laat voel. Dit het 'n moontlik ongemaklike gesprek so baie makliker en selfs aangenaam gemaak. Ek is so dankbaar vir hierdie produk en voel nou gemaklik dat my dogter prepared is vir die volgende fase! Dankie julle!” Erika V
The Oh Hello Flo Period Box is not just a once-in-a-lifetime product; it’s an essential tool that we believe every parent of a tween daughter should have. Please, take a moment to consider if it’s for you. And if not, pass it along to someone who can benefit from the knowledge, tools, and conversations this incredible box brings to families.
As we start putting a bit more focus on this incredible product, we would like to invite you to join us next week for a live broadcast on Instagram, where we (a husband and wife team) will unpack this product and explain why it’s so extraordinary. The box itself is designed to be a keepsake, a lasting resource that your child can look back on fondly. The 16-page booklet alone is worth having, packed with invaluable information and tips that every parent of a tween daughter should have.
We will be touching on the role of this product, the contents, the role of parents when it comes to having the 'all important' conversation, the role of dads during this time, and so much more! Please keep an eye out for this conversation that will be taking place next week Thursday evening at 19:30, live on out Tweenologysa Instagram!
For more on the contents of this beautiful box, look on our website, it's all there!
IMPORTANT: We don't have loads left so best to hurry if you want to use this opportunity and get your hand on the Oh Hello Flo Period Box.
Thank you for taking the time to consider. We can't wait to connect with you during our live broadcast!
Warm regards,
The Tweenoogy Team