About Us

So how was Tweenology born?

We are parents of a beautiful daughter, Juliette.

When she was 9 years old we could see some changes happening to her both physically & emotionally. She got her first pimple and I realised a facecloth is not doing it's job anymore.  We need to invest in her first skincare routine.  How exciting!  We searched everywhere online and in every pharmacy and healthshop for skincare products that is suitable for her young skin, but we could not find anything.  We needed simple & affordable products.  This is when we realised there is a massive gap in the market and we started the first plant-based & natural skincare for tweens in South Africa in 2020.  The dream has come from two years before and then the nudge came with that first pimple!

Emotionally I could see that she was growing up because things start to affect her... peers at school not being cool (hey that rhymed!), getting very over dramatic when I ask her to do some chores and sometimes being plain grumpy! Physically she is just really becoming a beautiful young little lady as her body is changing. Besides her length and that she has caught up to me, she is maturing right in-front of our eyes and can I say that I have never parented so hard as now in this tweenage fase. It is an honour to do so, but I need to constantly remind her of the good things of her and speak life into and over her, the same way I am reminding her to clean her room and pick up her socks.  

As she grows, Tweenology grows... we went from one pimple to choosing bras and talking about all things period.  It is a glorious honour for us to stand in the gap for parents who struggle to have the period talk with their girls.  Our Oh hello Flo period box has all the info she needs to know about her body.

As a family we are pretty healthy and we love using natural products, but I really struggled to find skincare for my daughter which does not have nonsense ingredients in or aren't too expensive. So we made it! With emotions, fear and anxiety that starts kicking in with growing up and peer pressure, we also saw the need to remind her how amazing and unique she has been made... so affirmation bracelets were born. And so the story goes on!

This is a safe space where we can chat about everything that awaits us without feeling shy or scared. We can call it by its name and face it head-on! We can be brave and bold as we walk into becoming the wonderful young women & men God has intended us to be.

Together we can figure this out and try to make it a smoother ride for all of us... and it will be FUN!!!!

Parents of Tweenology

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