We believe every start is a chance for our children to grow, reconnect, and shine. The first day of Term 3 is more than just a return to routine; it’s a clean slate and a fresh start. Here’s a couple of thoughts of how we as parents can embrace this term, and help encourage our tweens can make the most of it...
Discovered the Oh Hello Flo Period Box by Tweenoogy yet?Wait! Before you scroll on thinking this isn’t for you because your child isn’t there yet, take a moment to think... Do you know someone for whom this could be a game changer?This isn't just a product; it's a gift. It's a game changer. It's a conversation starter. It’s a tool designed to guide, support, build bonds, it's a life skill, a bunch of them to be completely honest..... it's a safe space to help parents and their daughters have the right age-appropriate conversations, about all the most important things, at the right time. The Oh Hello Flo Period Box was meticulously curated by parents, for parents, and the feedback...
Teaching our tweens their value in our families and community will give them confidence and purpose as human beings. At this age, they can already make a difference in someone's life. The fact that their bodies are changing can be really scary for some parents as well as the tweens themselves... it can be embarrassing for some. Dealing with pimples, literally on your face for the world to see, can be super challenging for some, and this is where we come in....
Nurturing Tween Skin: When is the best time to start and what's up with this global trend of tweens using their mom's skincare?
As our children grow and develop, so do their skincare needs. It’s a delicate balance of nurturing their evolving skin while instilling healthy habits that last a lifetime. At Tweenology, we understand the journey of parenting tweens, which is why we're excited to share insights into plant-based skincare and self-care practices tailored specifically for your tween.
We're asked almost daily, “When is the right time for my daughter or son to start using Tweenology?” There are typically two schools of thought....
The month of October is Breast cancer awareness month and in this very pink month for all women to be aware of their bodies and getting to know their bodies, we thought it well to also focus on our Oh Hello Flo! period box....