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Nurturing Tween Skin: When is the best time to start (and what's up with this global trend of tweens using their mom's skincare)?

Nurturing Tween Skin: When is the best time to start and what's up with this global trend of tweens using their mom's skincare? As our children grow and develop, so do their skincare needs. It’s a delicate balance of nurturing their evolving skin while instilling healthy habits that last a lifetime. At Tweenology, we understand the journey of parenting tweens, which is why we're excited to share insights into plant-based skincare and self-care practices tailored specifically for your tween. We're asked almost daily, “When is the right time for my daughter or son to start using Tweenology?” There are typically two schools of thought....

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Welcome to Womanhood

"I wish I was better prepared" – words we've all uttered, right? It's a universal feeling for parents. You're sailing through parenthood, and then it hits you like a wave. One day, they're tiny tots, and the next, they're asking for sleepovers. Blink, and you're filling out high school applications. And just like that, they're ready to leave the nest. It's a little scary, but it's the real deal, and many of us will experience it. Now, let's talk about our girls....

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Navigating Social and Moral Development During Adolescence - A Guide for Parents of Tweens

As we all know, the tween phase can be a time of both excitement and challenges. Our kids are growing up and developing their own personalities and interests, but at the same time, they are also facing new social and moral pressures that can be difficult for them (and us!) to navigate. That's why we wanted to share just a couple of insights on social and moral development during adolescence, and hope this provides some guidance on how we can support our kids during this important phase.

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Affirmation Bracelets!

Now that I am a parent of a tween, I realize how many times I need to repeat myself for my tween to do as I ask.  Whether it is pick up your clothes from the floor, tidy your room, or even stuff like, you are amazing and one of a kind!  Everything needs to be repeated in order for them to do it, know it, feel it, believe it.  And if we don't repeat ourselves, they might one day not do it, know it, feel it or believe it!

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Strategies and tactics on how you as a parent can help your Tween understand and manage their relationships with peers in a positive manner

Navigating through adolescence can require concerted effort and resilience. One of the biggest challenges for our tweens today is dealing with peer pressure, which can come in a variety of forms. Whether it’s the temptation to participate in risky behavior or succumbing to negative influences from peers, tackling peer pressure head-on is an essential life skill that must be mastered during this stage in life. In this blog post we will discuss a couple of strategies and tactics on how you as a parent can help your Tween understand and manage their relationships with peers in a positive manner while dealing with issues of peer pressure responsibly.

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