Words are more than just sounds; they are vehicles of intention, capable of influencing how we think, feel, and ultimately, how we live. "The tongue has the power of life and death." This truth underscores that our words can either build up or tear down. When we speak to our tweens, we have the opportunity to shape their identity, their worldview, and their future....
As dads, it can feel natural to take a back seat during discussions about periods, body changes, and emotions. After all, it’s easy to think, “Mom knows this better as she’s been through it.” But this is exactly the time when we need to step up, not step back. Puberty isn't just about physical changes—it’s about emotional development, self-esteem, identity formation, body image, self perception and relationships. Our daughters need us to be present in these conversations because we offer a unique, complementary perspective.....
Navigating social dynamics is one of the most challenging aspects of the tween years. As children transition from the simplicity of early childhood to the more complex social structures of adolescence, they often face issues related to peer pressure, exclusion, and the desire to fit in. As parents, guiding your tween through these challenges by promoting kindness and inclusion is essential for their emotional and social development.
As a parent, one of the most important and supportive conversations you can have with your daughter is about her first period. This milestone can be both exciting and overwhelming, and having the right resources to guide you through this momentous transition is key. That’s where our “Oh Hello Flo” period box comes in....
Building a solid foundation for our tweens to stand on will give them footing, strength, ability, confidence, and hope. It might sound airy-fairy, but it’s not. Let’s face it, parenting is a very hard job because we are responsible for the next generation of adults. What are we leaving them with?