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Affirmation Bracelets!

Now that I am a parent of a tween, I realize how many times I need to repeat myself for my tween to do as I ask.  Whether it is pick up your clothes from the floor, tidy your room, or even stuff like, you are amazing and one of a kind!  Everything needs to be repeated in order for them to do it, know it, feel it, believe it.  And if we don't repeat ourselves, they might one day not do it, know it, feel it or believe it!

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Let’s not underestimate the power of a long hot bath!

Let’s not underestimate the power of a long hot bath! It seems that our tweens are doing more than what we did at this age and have to cope with more than what we had to cope with.  It is important to know when to take some me-time, just think of nothing and let some goodness flow while relaxing in water.  Our No Stress! Magnesium soak is a fun way to keep the tweens in the bath for a tad longer and that tad longer is really needed because of the magnesium that needs to soak into the skin...

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Tween Pressure

As tweens, it can be hard to know how to cope with the pressures of growing up and navigating a world that's constantly changing. Kids between 7 and 12 are faced with an array of challenges — from physical changes, academic pressure to social pressure  — which can all be a bit overwhelming. We as parents have an important role in helping our tweens manage these pressures. Here are five tips for parents we hope can help you in supporting your tween/s during this difficult period of transition:

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Truthful Lips: More Than Just a Lip Balm

As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to have healthy habits, learn from their mistakes but also understand that the words they say carries weight, have power and cause harm. That is why our Truthful lips is so much more than a convenient, versatile and healthy lip balm. We called it Truthful lips to serve as your tweens daily reminder that whatever comes over your lips should be truthful!

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