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Unlock Confidence: Tweenology Skincare for Your Tween - Transformative Tips Inside!

Teaching our tweens their value in our families and community will give them confidence and purpose as human beings. At this age, they can already make a difference in someone's life. The fact that their bodies are changing can be really scary for some parents as well as the tweens themselves... it can be embarrassing for some. Dealing with pimples, literally on your face for the world to see, can be super challenging for some, and this is where we come in....

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Truthful Lips: More Than Just a Lip Balm

As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to have healthy habits, learn from their mistakes but also understand that the words they say carries weight, have power and cause harm. That is why our Truthful lips is so much more than a convenient, versatile and healthy lip balm. We called it Truthful lips to serve as your tweens daily reminder that whatever comes over your lips should be truthful!

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